225 meters of corridor runs through Halsnæs School. This means the school has 1800 m2 of largely unused space. In this project the corridor is transformed into an exercise- and learning path that utilises the space and inspires active playing and learning for everybody. Together with pupils, teachers and other users in the local environment, we developed inspiring ‘stations’, which support learning, play and physical een activities.
The school has an emphasis on ‘Science’ with five main topics; molecules, cell, earth, solar system and the galaxy. Across these topics, the floor is the unifying element at the school and together with wooden cubes in various sizes and different spaces, new learning situations are created.
An obstacle course links all elements together and is used to connect exercise and learning actively. The cubes are made of solid wood. They are built within a modular grid based upon the decimal system, everything in the spirit of the school. A special element is the info screens. They are both used for communication between the local community that uses the school facilities, pupils and teachers.
Skole+ is a development project, funded by Realdania, Dansk Idrætsforbund and Lokale- og Anlægsfonden. Through new knowledge and inspiration for schools and municipalities the campaign will qualify future furnishing of schools all over Denmark. Six schools in total are a part of the project.
Halsnæs, Denmark
Municipality of Halsnæs
1800 m2
Balslev Rådgivende Ingeniører, Mette Rose Eriksen, UCC