We design healthy buildings and communities always focusing on the highest degree of sustainability. We design buildings and urban areas for industry leading companies and public clients. And we are client advisers on large and complex building projects. 

Our projects are created together with the customers and users

NORD designs healthy buildings and communities always focusing on the highest degree of sustainability. We design buildings and urban areas for industry leading companies and public clients. And we are client advisers on large and complex building projects. 

We are focused on six main agendas in our work: 

  1. Healthy Ageing  
  2. Green Construction  
  3. Innovative education 
  4. Strategic Client Advising
  5. Additive Transformation 
  6. Ideal Neighborhoods  


Copenhagen, a green and healthy city, is an international icon for livable cities, this is where NORD started. Now we undertake projects internationally from Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and USA.

Our practice is rooted in new Scandinavian architecture – and as a result we see architecture as an important social component that helps us create welfare. We involve the users in our design both before and during the creative process. This approach enriches the projects and results in the best possible architecture that suits its users.

NORD is an agile medium-scale office that serves its clients with personal commitment, and we love to succeed together with our collaborators. Architecture is teamwork! 

NORD Architects A/S
Hejrevej 37, 2nd floor
2400 Copenhagen NV
T: +45 3369 0908
E: nord@nordarchitects.dk

Job applications
Unsolicited job applications are always welcome and can be sent to applications@nordarchitects.dk


CVR no. 28860234
Bank Sydbank A/S
Insurance Danske Ark / HDI

Member of Danske Ark (Danish Association of Architectural Firms) and Dansk Industri (Confederation of Danish Industry)

Please send your application to intern@nordarchitects.dk
We only accept digital applications.

Anders Wærum Rognerud Architect anders@nordarchitects.dk
Anton Bro Brandt Constructing Architect MAK anton@nordarchitects.dk
Elias Hollingworth Architectural intern elias@nordarchitects.dk
Greta Wagemann Architectural intern greta@nordarchitects.dk
Ida Esther Hedegaard Communications & Business Development Management ida@nordarchitects.dk
Johannes Molander Pedersen Partner & Architect johannes@nordarchitects.dk
Julius Marco Speedtsberg Krabbe Architect julius@nordarchitects.dk
Karin Åkesson-Björsmo Architect karin@nordarchitects.dk
Katrine Elbæk Ditlev Architectural student assistant katrine.ditlev@nordarchitects.dk
Lara Metz Architectural intern lara@nordarchitects.dk
Liv Skovgård Andersen Architect liv@nordarchitects.dk
Mans Nijkamp Architect mans@nordarchitects.dk
Martin Trolle Constructing Architect MAK martin@nordarchitects.dk
Mia Baarup Tofte Partner & Architect mia@nordarchitects.dk
Morten Rask Gregersen Partner & Architect AA Dipl RIBA II morten@nordarchitects.dk
Mortimer Murhpy Architectural intern mortimer@nordarchitects.dk
Runa Sabroe Director of Development runa@nordarchitects.dk
Sofie Krog Buskov Architect sofie@nordarchitects.dk
Stine Bundgaard Larsen Architect stine@nordarchitects.dk
Vincent Grandgagnage Architect vincent@nordarchitects.dk